Millennials are the driving force behind modern Midwest culture. Here’s how they are changing and shaping culture in the Midwest.

People often consider the Midwest the friendliest part of the United States, and there is absolutely some truth in that stereotype. Perhaps it could be the slightly slower pace of life, which leaves time for neighbors and strangers to chat.

Traditional values, a solid can-do work ethic, and a deep-rooted sense of community also characterize Midwest culture. Agriculture and industry play a large part in this identity. And that also leans into the concept that Midwesterners relish the great outdoors and physical recreational activities.

The range in which millennials were born is between 1981 and 1996 – which is quite wide! Millennials can be moving towards two milestone birthdays: their thirtieth and fortieth. You are probably wondering, how do millennials shape culture?

Consider this – most millennials are entering or well into their careers. Many are without children and can focus solely on their career aspirations. Having excess disposable incomes to both feed into the economy and start businesses, millennials ultimately shape our culture.

Understanding Midwest Culture

The Midwest is an expansive area that covers the central portion of North America. The states (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin) are far from the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. The Heartland topography includes miles of Great Plains, which are perfect for farming but can also cultivate extreme weather conditions.

It is well known that Midwesterners are welcoming and friendly. They are not afraid to get their hands dirty, and they value family and friendship. When outsiders visit large cities in the American Midwest region, like Kansas City, Omaha, Sioux Falls, or Des Moines, they experience a welcoming and warm attitude that often takes them by surprise.

There is a huge emphasis on comfort food and hosting. Whether it’s a cozy Sunday dinner or a full-on football tailgate, good food is always on the menu. Similarly, Midwesterners have a huge love of all things nature, active, and outdoors.

Millennials in the Midwest

There is a growing trend in the Midwest: the influx of millennials setting up shop. There are several reasons for this growth in demographics. First and foremost, the rising cost of living is certainly making most people, including millennials, reassess their living situation. Moving away from big city life is much more economical, with greater real estate options.

Similarly, the high-quality university choices coupled with a strong Midwestern economy led graduates to settle close to their undergraduate colleges. This resulted in an already strong economy gaining even more momentum. Here were an array of highly qualified prospects ready to go to work for local industry!

Shifts in the remote and hybrid work culture have allowed millennials to move from busy urban centers towards rural areas. This has definitely contributed to the socio-cultural evolution of smaller townships.

What Is the Millennial and Midwest Connection?

So you might be thinking, “Where is this going?” What is the connection between millennials and the Midwest?

Millennials in the Midwest are a diverse and dynamic demographic group like their generational counterparts across the United States. Throughout the millennial evolution, there has been enormous technological and cultural change. With or without knowing it, the millennial mindset has shaped modern Midwest culture.

Influence on Local Businesses

People have placed greater emphasis on harnessing the power of social media channels to highlight exciting food options. Millennials were at the forefront of the accessibility and emergence of both smartphones and social media platforms. Both technologies altered everything for the hospitality industry. Now, most restaurants have social media platforms and might even invite influencers to showcase and critique their establishments.

Technology companies and start-ups are increasingly casting their eyes away from the brutally expensive Silicon Valley area. Many huge tech corporations are heading to southern and Midwest states, lured by better leases and cheaper real estate, a low cost of living for employees, and hefty tax benefits.

Many cities in the Midwest have seen a drastic increase in technology and innovation companies hunkering down – and with them comes an influx of millennial workers looking to invest in areas and grow their families.

Changing Food Scene

Millennials left behind their parents’ favorite chain restaurants years ago. They have played a crucial role in the explosion of craft breweries and farm-to-table restaurant across the nation. Millennials have driven the emphasis on locally sourced and organic products on mainstream menus in many Main Street restaurants in midwestern communities. Millennial foodies have fueled both the popularization of unique ingredients and cuisines and immersive culinary experiences.

Across the Midwest, the influence of millennial-driven food focus has diversified the typical chain-restaurant ecosystem and opened the doors for small businesses, innovative concepts, and chefs to thrive. Gen Z and Millennials focus more on sustainability within farming, which is a huge aspect of the evolution of the food and beverage industry.

Preservation of Midwest Traditions

We must emphasize that many millennials, often associated with modernity and change, also profoundly appreciate the traditions and values that define the Midwest cultural heritage. They actively engage in preserving and celebrating these aspects of their local Midwestern culture.

Community Engagement and Activism

In some Midwest cities, the rise in the population of millennial residents has been instrumental in the drive to revitalize urban areas. The need for cheaper real estate to house first-time millennial home buyers and renters has aided the revitalization of long-neglected city areas.

Property developers have responded to millennials’ preference for walkable neighborhoods, safe bike and running paths, access to consistent and well-planned public transportation, locally owned restaurants and bars, small businesses, and a strong sense of community. These key factors are perfectly synonymous with the Midwest mindset in many ways.

Future Prospects, Challenges, and Opportunities

So, with all of the momentum between Millennials and the Midwestern United States, what could possibly be next?

Millennials, like previous generations, are playing a vital role in shaping the cultural landscape of the Midwest. Their values, experiences, and behaviors are influencing the evolution of Midwestern culture and creating the potential for a cultural renaissance.

Balancing tradition and progress is always challenging, but millennials are at the forefront of efforts to create a harmonious synergy of traditional values and respect for traditions in any Midwest state.


  • Chris Kane

    Chris Kane is a military veteran and former business owner currently living in the Des Moines, Iowa, metro. Chris is an inveterate entrepreneur and avid web developer who is not shy about sharing his opinions.