Hey, high school seniors! Ready to move forward but not sure which way to go? We’ve all been there. So, let’s talk about an amazing tool you can use. The Strong Interest Inventory Assessment (SIIA). What’s that? Well, it’s kind of like a crystal ball for your career.

First off, let’s clear one thing up. The SIIA isn’t a test. There are no right or wrong answers. It’s all about your interests. It gives you insight into your personality and preferences. Sounds pretty cool, right?

Self-discovery is priceless. SIIA is like a mirror reflecting your interests and possible career matches. You gain insight into your personality traits, preferences, dislikes, and more. It’s like unlocking a treasure chest of self-knowledge.

The Strong Interest Inventory is available to take online. As of this writing, the price is $40. Visit, Strong Interest Inventory® iStartStrong™ Assessment(Obligona is not affiliated with SIIA and does not receive any commission or other remuneration from TAS or The Myers-Briggs Company.)

But why take the SIIA?

Well, here are four big reasons.

  1. Explore Career Paths: Ever felt like you’re expected to have your entire life planned out, even though you’re still in high school? It’s a common feeling. But fret not! The SIIA helps you explore career paths based on your interests. It’s not about what you should do. It’s about what you could do.
  2. Boost Confidence: There’s power in self-knowledge. The SIIA gives you a better understanding of what makes you tick. It’s like a personalized manual for your career-related interests. You’ll feel more confident about your future, knowing you’ve made an informed choice.
  3. Bridge the Gap: Ever wondered how your hobbies or things you love could relate to a future job? The SIIA makes those connections. It bridges the gap between your current interests and potential careers. So yes, your love for video games or fashion could lead to a cool career!
  4. Plan Ahead: The SIIA isn’t just for the present. It’s a long-term tool. It helps you plan ahead and prepare for future transitions. Think about it. Knowing the type of work that interests you can help steer your college major or vocational training choices.

Self-Discovery is Priceless

But you might be wondering, is SIIA accurate? It’s been around for nearly 100 years, folks. Developed by a psychologist and a career counselor, it’s backed by research and used by thousands of educational institutions worldwide. It’s trusted, reliable, and does a pretty good job.

So, in a nutshell, SIIA helps you discover who you are, aligns your interests with your major, guides you through career planning, and alleviates college stress. It’s your roadmap to a future that matches your passion and potential.

Les GO! Take the plunge. Embrace the SIIA. It’s like having a cheat code to navigate the game of life. Make informed choices about your future and break free from the pack. After all, it’s your life, your career, your story. Shouldn’t you be the one to write it?

Why SIIA is the Way

So now you’re thinking, “This sounds great, but how does it work?” It’s actually pretty simple.

First, you take a questionnaire. This isn’t some boring survey. It’s an in-depth exploration of your interests designed to get you thinking.

Then, you receive a report. This isn’t a standard report card. It’s a custom analysis of your responses. It shows where your interests align with different career paths.

Finally, you review your results. And not just a quick glance. Really dig into it. Discuss your results with a career counselor, teacher, or mentor. This step is crucial to understanding and applying the results.

The Strong Interest Inventory Assessment Rocks!

Alright, let’s wrap this up. The Strong Interest Inventory Assessment is an epic tool to help you map your future. It takes the guesswork out of the career decision-making process. Remember, your future isn’t about what others expect from you. It’s about what you want for yourself. The SII is your compass, guiding you on your career path based on your unique interests.

So, go ahead, take the SIIA! Get the insight you need to stride into your future confidently. Trust us. Your future self will thank you!

The Strong Interest Inventory is available to take online. As of this writing, the price is $40. Visit, Strong Interest Inventory® iStartStrong™ Assessment(Obligona is not affiliated with SIIA and does not receive any commission or other remuneration from TAS or The Myers-Briggs Company.)

  • Chris Kane

    Chris Kane is a military veteran and former business owner currently living in the Des Moines, Iowa, metro. Chris is an inveterate entrepreneur and avid web developer who is not shy about sharing his opinions.